Hyundai Motor India recently introduced the all-new sixth-generation Verna. The 2023 Hyundai Verna has been launched in India at a starting price of Rs 10.90 lakh, ex-showroom. While it’s a very feature-rich sedan, the final product always has some hits and misses and it does miss out on some equipment. Here we have listed the top 5 missing features of the new Hyundai Verna.
Diesel or hybrid powertrain
The previous-gen Verna was the only car in its segment to get a diesel engine. However, with the new-gen model, Hyundai has axed the diesel powertrain and it doesn’t get a hybrid unit as well. It’s worth mentioning that the most affordable sedan in India to get a diesel engine is now the Mercedes-Benz A 200d which costs Rs 46 lakh, ex-showroom.
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Wireless connectivity for the 10.25-inch screen
The lower variants of the Hyundai Verna get an 8.0-inch touchscreen infotainment system with wireless connectivity options. However, the higher variants with the 10.25-inch display currently don’t support wireless Android Auto & Apple CarPlay. According to Hyundai, an OTA update will be rolled out to users soon that will enable the wireless connectivity features for higher trims as well.
Watch Video | 2023 Hyundai Verna Review:
Foglights and rain-sensing wipers
The new Hyundai Verna features a split headlamp set-up. It sports daytime running LEDs that spreads across the bonnet while the headlamp is placed in the bumper. However, it doesn’t get foglamps at all. The new-generation Verna also misses out on automatic rain-sensing wipers.
8-way powered driver seat
Hyundai is offering a powered driver seat with the new Verna but it misses out on 8-way adjustability. In fact, it’s the only sedan in its segment to get an electronically-adjustable driver’s seat. However, it is only 4-way adjustable electronically and the height adjustment needs to be done manually.
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360-degree camera
Finally, the last one on the list is the 360-degree camera. The new Hyundai Verna gets level-2 ADAS and other hi-tech safety features. However, it misses out on a 360-degree parking camera. That being said, these misses aren’t major deal-breakers and we have nit-picked to let you know what the new Hyundai Verna misses out on.
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