Bollywood actress Parineeti Chopra, who was last seen in ‘Uunchai’, was recently spotted with Rajya Sabha MP, Raghav Chadha. The duo went out for a dinner and were later again spotted for a ‘lunch date’ on Thursday. Social media was abuzz since then with rumors about their engagement.
Videos of their lunch meet-up have been doing rounds on social media with Internet users speculating if something is brewing between them. And amidst all this, AAP MP Sanjeev Arora took to Twitter and shared a collage of Parineeti and Raghav. Along with the picture, he wrote, “I extend my heartfelt congratulations to @raghav_chadha and @ParineetiChopra. May their union be blessed with an abundance of love, joy, and companionship. My best wishes!!!” [sic]
Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader and Member of Parliament Raghav Chadha was quizzed by a journalist about his spottings with Parineeti Chopra and if the news of their wedding is true. On March 23, Raghav was asked about the actress and their frequent meetings. To this, he replied, “Aap mujhse raajneeti ke sawaal kariye, Parineeti ke sawaal na kariye (Please ask me questions about politics, not Parineeti),” the AAP politician was quoted as saying by India
When asked further about their rumoured relationship, Raghav blushed and replied, “Denge jawaab. Jab karenge tab batayenge (Will let you know). [sic]
Recently Vice President Jagdeep Dhankar also teased Raghav in Rajya Sabha and said, “You occupied enough space in #socialmedia, this may be a day of silence for you.”
About Raghav Chadha
Raghav Chadha is a Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) and Co-Incharge AAP Gujarat and Aam Aadmi Party and is the National Spokesperson, PAC Member, and National Executive Member- of AAP. He is the youngest member of the Parliament. He hails from New Delhi. And is a Chartered Accountant as per his Instagram bio.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Parineeti has ‘Chamkila’ and ‘Capsule Gill’ in the pipeline.
Work front
Parineeti Chopra made her acting debut in a supporting role in the rom-com Ladies vs Ricky Bahl (2011) alongside Ranveer Singh and Anushka Sharma. She was last seen in the Sooraj Barjatya film Uunchai with Amitabh Bachchan and Anupam Kher. She recently completed filming Imtiaz Ali’s Chamkila with Diljit Dosanjh.