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Accounting & Audit
The recipients will be selected based on merit, extracurricular achievement, and financial need. The Spring 2023 scholarship application deadline is April 28, 2023.
Isaac M. O’Bannon
Mar. 31, 2023
UWorld will award five scholarships through UWorld Cares, the company’s employee-led philanthropy initiative dedicated to helping students achieve their education and career goals. In this program, each scholarship covers the full tuition of UWorld’s Elite-Unlimited CPA Exam Review course, valued at more than $3,000. The recipients will be selected based on merit, extracurricular achievement, and financial need. The Spring 2023 scholarship application deadline is April 28, 2023.
“We are honored to help these deserving candidates pursue their goal of becoming a CPA and navigating through the upcoming CPA Exam Evolution,” said Chandra S. Pemmasani, M.D., UWorld’s founder and CEO. “UWorld passionately believes in offering the best exam preparation resources to every student who needs them. We feel every scholarship recipient will not only pass the CPA Exam, but also make outstanding contributions to the accounting profession and their communities.”
The scholarship program is part of UWorld’s ongoing commitment to support students seeking professional advancement and growth in a range of professions—this includes emerging accountants, doctors, nurses, lawyers, finance professionals, and more. UWorld Cares has provided more than $5 million in scholarship donations and exam preparation subscriptions to more than 3 million emerging professionals across the nation.
Scholarship recipients will have lifetime access to UWorld’s most comprehensive four-part CPA Exam review. This includes the award-winning question bank, which is paired with the profession’s most concise answer explanations, designed to help any student master the CPA Exam. Each year, over 100,000 people take the CPA Exam, and 94% of UWorld’s students pass the first time. Here’s what recent scholarship recipients said:
UWorld looks forward to helping another round of future CPAs reach their goals. Scholarship applications are accepted year-round, with recipients selected bi-annually each spring and fall. CPA candidates, including those who have already graduated or plan to take the exam soon, are invited to apply for this exclusive scholarship. To learn more about or apply for the UWorld Roger CPA Review scholarship program, visit accounting.uworld.com/cpa-review/our-difference/cpa-review-scholarship.
Accounting & Audit
Accounting & Audit
Accounting & Audit
Isaac M. O’Bannon
Accounting & Audit
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