Illustration: Lindsey Bailey/Axios
Denver Elections Divisions has received multiple complaints alleging campaign finance law violations involving progressive-backed municipal candidates.
Driving the news: At least six complaints have been filed with the city's election office, according to documents obtained by Axios Denver through a public records request.
Why it matters: Together, the complaints allege unlawful coordination between candidates ahead of the April 4 election in Denver. But the merits of the complaints are unknown.
Yes, but: Two candidates named in the complaint who responded to Axios Denver deny any wrongdoing.
Details: The first complaint detailing the allegations was filed by Denver city council candidate Kwon Atlas on March 22.
Between the lines: A website called Ethics Matter Denver detailing the allegations and encouraging residents to file complaints with the city has surfaced, but it's unclear who is behind it.
What's next: CdeBaca and Calderón received a notice of the complaint on March 24, and have until April 21 to respond to it.
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