Housing Omnibus Bills Advance in House and Senate Housing … – League of Minnesota Cities

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Both bills include historic investments in housing, including several League-led initiatives to support cities in addressing their locally identified housing needs.
Both the House Housing Finance and Policy Committee and the Senate Housing and Homelessness Prevention Committee advanced their omnibus housing bills the week of March 27.
Both bills include over $1 billion for housing assistance, including new and existing programs that will assist both metro area and Greater Minnesota cities address locally identified housing needs. This comes during a time when cities across the state are continuing to experience housing challenges. Importantly, no housing preemption policies are currently in either bill.
The House housing committee met on March 28 and March 30 to take testimony, adopt a delete-everything amendment to HF 2335 (Rep. Michael Howard, DFL-Richfield) and approve the bill. It now goes to the House Taxes Committee.
The $1.07 billion omnibus bill provides general fund spending for new programs and increases one-time spending for numerous existing programs.
The League provided written testimony (pdf) during the March 28 hearing in support of resources directed to programs that will expand the state-local partnership when it comes to addressing housing issues in cities across the state.
The provisions of note to cities include:
The Senate Committee met on March 30 to take testimony and adopt the delete-everything amendment to SF 2566 (Sen. Lindsey Port, DFL-Burnsville). The bill was approved and now goes to the Senate Finance Committee. The $1 billion omnibus bill, in many ways, is similar in its funding priorities to the House bill. The League provided written testimony (pdf)  during the hearing.
The provisions of note to cities include:
The League will continue working with both housing committee chairs and the housing omnibus conference committee when it is formed to ensure that city priorities for housing are included in a final housing omnibus bill.
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