The 13th season of the singing reality show Indian Idol is nearing its end. The show, which is being hosted by Aditya Narayan, is all set for the grand finale on Sunday. Ahead of the finale, Aditya took to his Instagram handle and revealed that he recovered after being diagnosed with Covid-19 for the third time.
Taking to social media, Aditya said, “Beat COVID for the third time! Still alive, still smiling & still grateful for this wonderful life. Hosting Indian Idol has been a top notch experience all these years. We have witnessed unprecedented success and love from our audience.”
He added, “In almost 20 years and 13 seasons of its run on Indian television, it has had about 320 episodes. In just the past 3 1/2 years and 3 seasons that I’ve been a part of it, I have hosted about 200 of them! We’ve had a great run. I will miss this but most importantly, I will miss you all dearly. Glad that I recovered just in time to host the finale!”
A post shared by Aditya Narayan Jha (@adityanarayanofficial)
Neha Kakkar and Himesh Reshammiya are the judges of the show. The top six contestants are Sonakshi Kar, Shivam Singh, Rishi Singh, Chirag Kotwal, Bidipta Chakraborty, and Devosmita Roy, who are fighting to take home the coveted trophy. The grand finale will begin airing from 8 pm tonight on Sony TV.