Georgian Finance Minister reviews cooperation, discusses projects … –

Time in Tbilisi: 05 Apr 2023, 06:16
Georgian Finance Minister Lasha Khutsishvili on Tuesday reviewed the Government’s cooperation with the Asian Development Bank. Photo: Ministry of Finance
Georgian Finance Minister Lasha Khutsishvili on Tuesday reviewed the Government’s cooperation with the Asian Development Bank and projects supported by the ADB in the public sector of Georgia in a meeting with its officials.
The Ministry of Finance said the meeting involved Xiaohong Yang, the ADB Deputy Director General for Central and West Asia, and Colin Huerter, the Advisor to the United States Executive Director at the Bank.
The officials discussed next year’s annual meeting of the ADB, scheduled to be held in Georgia’s capital city of Tbilisi in May 2024.
Photo: Ministry of Finance
Khutsishvili shared information with the visiting officials on the reform agenda pursued by his Government in coordination with the ADB Cooperation Strategy for Georgia.
The sides noted the Middle Corridor logistical route connection China and Central Asian states to Europe via Georgia was becoming “more attractive” for global connectivity, and emphasised the importance of the development of energy infrastructure in Georgia.
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